External qualified person

External qualified person (ChemVerbotsV)

We ensure the safe delivery of your products

Many products sold by manufacturers and distributors are subject to the restrictions of the Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance (ChemVerbotsV). These are, for example, toxic or highly flammable substances or mixtures, which are named in Annex 2 of the ChemVerbotV.

Persons who supply these substances and mixtures to consumers or resellers in accordance with Annex 2 of the ChemVerbotV therefore require expert knowledge in accordance with §11 of the Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance. The aim here is that the dispensing person, as a qualified person, can pass on all important information on the safe handling of these products to the person accepting them. In order to obtain the expert knowledge, the dispensing person must pass an examination at the competent authority or a recognized institution.

Because of the very long catalog of possible exam questions, the learning curve is quite high. In most cases, examinees also need to attend a preparatory seminar, for example at the local Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Since the obtained expertise must also be renewed regularly, the procedure is very costly and time-consuming for the companies overall.

For companies that do not supply their products to private end users, the persons supplying the products do not have to have the appropriate expertise themselves, but can instead be instructed intensively by an expert person about the contents of the ChemVerbotsV.

This instruction can also be carried out by an external qualified person.

Of course, we offer this service as a service for you and provide you with a qualified person who will take care of your tasks and duties regarding the ChemVerbotsV.

Our service includes the following possible services:

  • Examination of the product range to determine whether substances or mixtures are affected by the ChemVerbotsV
  • Support in notifying the competent authority that substances are being distributed in accordance with the ChemVerbotsV.
  • Appointment of the qualified person at the competent authority.
  • An annual instruction of the dispensing persons according to § 8 para. 2 and 3 of the ChemVerbotsV. The most important contents of the ordinance are conveyed, which are to be considered with the delivery of the products concerned. The instruction can take the form of a lecture at your premises, at our chemistry office, or conveniently from your desk as an online instruction.
  • After the instruction, the persons attending receive a certificate that can be presented to the competent authority upon request.
  • Contact for all questions regarding the ChemVerbotsV

Should we check whether your products are affected by the ChemVerbotsV? Does your company need an external qualified person according to ChemVerbotV? Or are you not sure and need advice? Then please contact us! We are happy to support you!